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One-Stop Student Resource

Opening access means helping students get their hands on their class materials easily and at any time. But once a PowerPoint is shown in class or the study guide is lost in the bottom of a students endless pit of a backpack, it's's done. But now we have to help students retreive and use class materials from home. A Blendspace is a single screen that contains videos, Powerpoints, texts, class notes, and assignments. It's free and easy to create.

Southern Middle School teacher Robert Korsan used Blendspace last year for his classes. It took him just a few minutes to place class resouces onto the Blendspace and within a couple of weeks students had accessed the space over 900 times!

During the opening ELA Middle School meetings, teachers were introduced to Blendspace as a place to house their units of study. the feedback was incredible. It was repeatedly stated by teachers that Blendspace will be used right away. How terrific! It's truly a tool that will help our students.

If you are interested in setting up a Blendspace (a part of Edmodo) visit

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